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mrkiki: Lucian FreudGirl in bed. 1952. Óleo sobre lienzo. 45,7...



Lucian Freud
Girl in bed. 1952.
Óleo sobre lienzo.
45,7 x 30,5 cm.

windypoplarsroom: Edgar Degas “Retrato de Eugene Manet”

 I know it is ridiculous to “quote” Wagner, but I...


 I know it is ridiculous to “quote” Wagner, but I liked Maria von Ilosvay’s voice too much to let this pass. She is singing the second Norn’s aria from the beginning of Götterdammerung:

Treu berath’ner Verträge Runen

2nd Norn Runes of treaties deeply pondered

schnitt Wotan in des Speeres Schaft:

graved Wotan in the shaft of the spear:

den hielt er als Haft der Welt.

he holds it to sway the world.

Ein kühner Held zerhieb im Kampfe den Speer;

A hero bold in fight has broken the spear;

in Trümmer sprang der Vertröge heiliger Haft.

in splinters shivered the treaties’ hallowed haft.

Da hieß Wotan Walhalls Helden

Then bade Wotan Walhall’s heroes

der Weltesche welkes Ge…st

to hew down the world ash’s stem

mit dem Stamm in Stücke zu fällen:

and the withered boughs to cut in pieces:

die Esche sank;

the ash tree sank;

ewig versiegte der Quelle.

spent then for aye was the spring.

Fess’le ich heut’ an den scharfen Fels das Seil,

Now round the sharp-edged rock I bind the rope.

singe, Schwester; dir werf’ ich’s zu:

Sing, o sister; wind the rope:

weißt du, wie das wird?

Do you know what will happen?

yama-bato: Camille Claudel 1864-1943 Le Psaume (La Prière)/...

poboh: Fight Between a Dragon and a Lion, Leonardo da Vinci....



Fight Between a Dragon and a Lion, Leonardo da Vinci. (1452 -1519)

The Last Judgment (tempera on panel) is a painting by Italian...


The Last Judgment (tempera on panel) is a painting by Italian Renaissance artist Fra Angelico. It was commissioned by the Camaldolese Order for the newly elected abbot, the humanist scholar Ambrogio Traversari.[1] It is variously dated to c1425,[2], 1425-1430[3] and 1431.[1] It was originally sited in the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli[2] and now is in the museum of San Marco, Florence. It is not to be confused with another Fra Angelico Last Judgement in the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin.

mynameispeter: Amy Winehouse / Someone To Watch Over Me...

mermanonfire: Francesco Salviati I wonder what work this...

Fuseli, Henry. The Shepherd’s Dream. c. 1793 oil on canvas. Tate...


Fuseli, Henry. The Shepherd’s Dream. c. 1793 oil on canvas. 
Tate Gallery, London.

Hello there. You asked from which work the fresco (Kairos) of Salviati is a detail from. Well, I might have an answer. You can find this fresco in Pallazzo Saccetti in Rome. Hope I helped you out a little : ) Have a nice day further, Kenneth


finding out that the work is titled “kairos” helps even more—- thank you so much….

Palazzo Saccheti. ts construction was carried out on a project...


Palazzo Saccheti.

ts construction was carried out on a project by Antonio da Sangallo , who wanted to make your home, obtaining in 1542 the land and an existing unfinished house owned by the Vatican Chapter of Paul III , its primary if not exclusive client, to whom he dedicated the coat of arms still exists on the main facade. Building the architect devoted the last years of his life, especially for the design until 1545 , when he died in 1546 passed to his son Orazio, and construction was completed by Nanni di Baccio Bigio . Purchased by Ricci of Montepulciano that lavished huge sums to extension work and decorations, passed then to the family or Cevoli Ceuli which was named after the adjacent alley of Cephalus; in 1608 was acquired by Cardinal Ottavio Acquaviva d’Aragona Archbishop of Naples before 1612, the year he died, he built the chapel frescoed by Ciampelli Augustine , in 1648 sold the palace to the Acquaviva Marquis bags from Florence who still possess it.

The palace houses some of the most significant cycles of Mannerism , with works by Francesco Salviati , who was responsible for the frescoes of the Hall of Globes, Pietro da Cortona and Jacopino Count .

Also the writer Ingeborg Bachmann died here.

Cover of Presumption; or, the Fate of Frankenstein by Richard...

tuktek: Joseph Mallord William Turner RA (23 April 1775[1]–19...

missfolly: John Madox Brown - Don Juan Discovered by Haydee,...

Fernand Cormon. Cain. “You will be a restless wanderer on...


Fernand Cormon. Cain.

“You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.”

Don’t know the relationship of the previous painting to this one.

cormond. Cain. detail.

theshipthatflew: Carlo Crivelli, Pièta (detail), c. 1493, via...

darksilenceinsuburbia: Max Ernst. Fireside. Max Ernst (2 April...



Max Ernst. Fireside.

Max Ernst (2 April 1891 – 1 April 1976) was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. A prolific artist, Ernst is considered to be one of the primary pioneers of the Dada movement and Surrealism. Text from Wikipedia.org

23rd-block: I am not I no. 2 by Mark Horst 

Plate #1, Alfredo Alcala’s Voltar Portfolio 1979 


Plate #1, Alfredo Alcala’s Voltar Portfolio 

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