Conflicting claims?
This is the description from the site from which I took the picture:
This is one of my favorite symbols of Lucifer attending to the development and life of the enlightened human during his every day life. The Perfect, Upright Man, here depicted, is striving mightily to raise his consciousness to a level so he can become completely Perfected and Upright. Of course, when a man achieves this level of consciousness, he becomes a god, nay, even God Himself. White Magick practitioners love this symbol, as it personifies their pursuit of Lucifer’s religion, the deification of man. Lucifer is depicted as the All-Seeing Eye above the Perfected, Upright Man.
These images of Sacred Geometry come from an old book on occult philosophy by Heinrich Agrippa. The idea was to illustrate the geometrical relationship between man and a cube, cross, pyramid, pentagram, circle or sphere.
Do they really contradict each other?